Map of Rouen besieged and taken by Charles IX

Historical Background

Large Protestant communities became established in Upper Normandy, centred mainly on Rouen and Dieppe, following the Protestant Reformation.

 The Huguenots took control of Rouen in April 1562 shortly after the massacre of Vassy, which marked the start of the civil war, and indulged in large-scale destruction, including mutilation of the statues in the cathedral. The town was surrounded by royal troops before English reinforcements could arrive, and the town changed hands again on the 21st of October. Violent reprisals then took place. This map shows Rouen and the positions of the royal troops surrounding it, with the breach opened near the Saint-Hilaire gate.

  • Date details


  • Institution

Rouen – Bibliothèque Municipale

  • Original reference

Est. Topo G MBR 3737

  • Period

Middle Ages

  • Thematic

Politic and military links


Rouen – Bibliothèque Municipale

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