Practical Information

Centre of Historical ARchives
For ancient and modern archives (up to 1940), iconographical archives, private records and historical library.
Tuesday – Friday : 8.45am-5pm continuously (deliveries every 45mn from 9am to 4pm, except at 12.30pm)
Saturday : Reception service from 8.45am to 12am every first and third Saturday of the month, except on the eves and tomorrows of national celebrations.
Documents must be requested in writing or by telephone by Friday before 12am.
Archives départementales de Seine-Maritime
Pôle culturel Grammont
42 rue Henri II Plantagenêt
76100 Rouen
With the bus n°10 : stop at « Simone de Beauvoir »
With the underground : stop at « Honoré de Balzac »

Centre of contemporary archives and daily life memory
For contemporary, local and hospital records (except Rouen’s ancient archives) and press.
Mondays and Tuesdays : 8.45am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-5pm
Wednesdays : 8.45am-12.30pm
Archives départementales de Seine-Maritime
Hôtel du département
Quai Jean Moulin
CS 56101
76101 Rouen cedex
Quai Jean Moulin / with the underground : stop at « Joffre Mutualité »

Centre of company archives
For company and architecture records.
Tuesdays and Thursdays : On appointment
Beware, some funds are communicated to the depositor authority. Please inquire by phone before coming.
Archives départementales de Seine-Maritime
Annexe de Darnétal
Rue Lucien Fromage
76160 Darnétal
Tel. : (+33) 2 35 03 56 49
With the bus T3 : stop at “Ecole d’architecture”
Department of Seine-Maritime
Hôtel du Département
Quai Jean Moulin
CS 56101
76101 Rouen cedex
Tel : 02 35 03 55 55
Fax : 02 35 03 55 42
Pour les archives d’entreprises et d’architecture.
The Keep
East Sussex and Brighton & Hove’s historical resource centre
We welcome all visitors to The Keep, whether you are looking for a specific document or simply want to browse through our reference library. We are situated on the edge of Brighton just off the A27 near to the University Campuses and the Amex Stadium.
Buses from Brighton and Lewes directions stop close to the building and we are just a 10 minute walk from Falmer train station.
Tuesday – Friday : 9.30am – 5pm
Saturday : 9.30am – 4pm (reading room closed 1-2pm)
The Keep
Woollards Way