The Great Exhibition at Crystal Palace, 1851 Historical Background The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations…

Casino, Old Castle and baths at Dieppe
The first bathing establishment was founded in 1822 by the Earl of Brancas , sub-prefect of the town. This property, surrounded by a garden with its elegant colonnade, is considered the first casino in Dieppe. Marie-Caroline, Duchess of Berry, daughter of King Charles X , attracts people of the court and many artists, such as Rossini, in Dieppe.

Brighton Chain Pier
The Brighton Chain Pier was opened on 25 November 1823. The pier was primarily intended as a landing stage for packet boats to Dieppe, until they transferred to the more sheltered Newhaven. It was different from typical piers because, rather than being built on stilts, the deck of the pier was suspended from chains attached to pillars

Treaty between Rouen and MM. Easton, Rivolta and Green for the establishment of a water supply, 26 August 1864
After several studies about the project of drinking water distribution in Rouen, the town assigns in this treaty the concession of water supply to M. Easton, Rivolta and Green in 1864. The object of the concession covers the distribution and sale of water for public and private needs.

900th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings
First day cover issued by the Post Office on 14 October 1966 to commemorate the 900th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings.

Illustrated diary of Frances Sayer’s visit to Brighton in 1818
Frances Sayer was visiting at a time when Brighton was growing as a bathing resort frequented by the Prince Regent, whose summer palace, the Pavilion, was still under construction.

Field Service Pocket Book of the Royal Sussex Regiment
First World War Field Service Pocket Book of Albert Prior [born c1900], Royal Sussex Regiment 1917

Will of George Kittle, bathing machine proprietor
He leaves his bathing machines in trust to keep them in repair and to pay for the board, lodging and education of Edward Hall, the son of Ann Marchant, who is living at the same Brighton address as Kittle.

Soldier in a trench
Brighton – East Sussex Record Office

Autograph book of a nurse serving soldiers
My dug-out: an entry in the autograph book of a hospital nurse serving convalescent soldiers at Hove : sketch and poem

Second World War posters
On November 11, 1939, King George VI responds to a telegram sent by Albert Lebrun in these terms : ” We both have reason to be reassured that the joint efforts of the peoples of Britain and France will be successful and Europe will be safe from the brutal violence and that peace will be established on sound foundations of freedom and justice.”

Butler’s castle and city, Le Houlme
Installed at Le Houlme since 1883 on the site of an old mill, Henry and Alfred Butler associated with leaving Charles and Thomas Holliday extend the site with the construction of new workshops, a working class city and two employers’ homes

Report of the Commissioner of central Rouen on the work of two English Masonic lodges
Freemasons being held responsible for the defeat, the Vichy government quickly takes action against them.

Letter and report about English and French trade after Treaty of Eden-Rayneval, 1786.
to the members of the Chamber of Commerce of Le Havre and a comparative
report of the English and French trade after the Treaty of Commerce
1786, 1788

Abraham Duquesne
Lithograph dated 19th century.
Born in 1610 in Dieppe from a Huguenot family, Abraham Duquesne takes his first command in the Navy at 18 years.

Dieppe, The Newhaven steamer entering port
The « Newhaven » is a French turbine-and-propeller-driven liner.
Built at the Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée in Le Havre, taken intoservice in 1911 and modified to run on oil in 1932, it was 92 metres long with a top speed of 24 knots.

First World War posters
Posters published in large numbers by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, probably in 1915, were aimed at the young Englishmen who might be considering joining up for active servuice at the front.

The Franco-British Exhibition of 1908
The Franco-British Exhibition of 1908 : side-view of the pavilion’s entrance. Glass negatives by Louis Chesneau, August 1908.

Dieppe, the Brighton, the fastest of the English steamers, postcard
The Brighton, the fourth vessel to bear this name was one of the first turbine-driven liners on the Dieppe-Newhaven route. Built at the Dumbarton shipyard in Scotland, it had two propellers and ran at 6,000 horsepower.

The “Nouveau Pont aux Anglais”; Malaunay, the arches of the viaduct
Five long tunnels had to be dug and six viaducts constructed over the Seine in the building of the Paris to Rouen railway.

So british ! : “L’Art de bien s’habiller”; “Album des costumes”
Even in clothes made from a particular type of high-quality fabric made in the Normandy town of Elbeuf, “the art of dressing well” was regarded as synonymous with the art of wearing English-style clothes, whether for sports (golf, tennis and horse-racing), in town or on formal occasions.

Plan of a factory in Déville owned by Messrs. Rawle, Poupard de Neuflize and son, Sevesne and John Colliere
Valentin Rawle was the first person to set up water-driven spinning Jennies in the Rouen area. They were visited by Napoleon himself. Rawle had opened his first cotton mill, holding 6,000 spindles on two floors, in 1798.

Butler-Holliday & Co : Company incorporation’s deed
The Butler and Holliday families were well-known English industrialists: the Butlers produced textiles in Bingley while the Hollidays made chemicals in Huddersfield.

Compound steam engine built by M. E. Windsor (English designer/engineer based in Rouen), plate taken from the “Revue industrielle” produced during the 1889 World Fair
he plate shows a two-cylinder steam engine built by E. W. Windsor. The construction of these machines made the name of the company, and of Rouen engineering.

Sketch book of Sussex views
View of the Brighton chain pier. Nothing is known of the artist or the provenance of the sketch book.