Extract from the minutes. This is a record of the deliberations of the haberdashers and drapers of Dieppe, who…

Ordinance of the bailiff of Dieppe on fees payable to the Archbishop of Rouen for crossing the Channel
Ordinance of the bailiff of Dieppe on fees payable to the Archbishop of Rouen for crossing the Channel, 26 October…

Receipt made out to John Cutberd, English merchant, by Pierre Surreau, Receiver General of Normandy, for a consignment of oats
This commercial transaction, carried out at the height of the Hundred Years War when Normandy was under English occupation, shows…

Artist’s impression of harbour works “under construction” at Newhaven
Artist's impression of harbour works “under construction” at Newhaven in 1878 to facilitate the ferry service to Dieppe. Notable…

Rye, by William Henry Borrow
Rye, by William Henry Borrow (1840-1905), Oil on panel, 1886. HASMG: 1956.45.1 View of Rye for the sea. An…

Will Martine Cauchie
At least two of the 16th century French settlers in Rye left wills that were proved in the court of…

Map of Rye by Philip Symonson
The description of the decayed Harbrough of Rye, with the Courses and Concurrence of the fresh waters that fall into…

“Le port de Dieppe animé” by Nicolas Ozanne
Original pen drawing. Nicolas Marie Ozanne, a naval draughtsman, was born in Brest in January 1728 and died in…