15th century pedigree on parchment showing the descent of the kings of England from the Heptarchy and of the Dukes…

Report by Captain Lainé, commander of the Yvetot gendarmerie section, on the discovery of English leaflets in Bourville
Leaflet drops from aircraft or balloons were introduced in the First World War, and were to become a propaganda weapon…

Address by the City of London to King Louis-Philippe during his visit to Windsor in October 1844
Address by the City of London to King Louis-Philippe during his visit to Windsor in October 1844. Lithographic reproduction,…

Arrival of Queen Victoria at the castle of Eu on 21 September 1843. Etching drawn and engraved by Percival Skelton
Etching drawn and engraved by Percival Skelton. Queen Victoria (1837-1901) was invited to France by King Louis-Philippe (1830-1848) and…

The bombing of Dieppe by the English navy, engraving by Aveline
The period from the sixteenth century to the start of the eighteenth century was marked by several conflicts, interspersed with…

Charter of Henry V granting an income to the chaplain of Rouen castle in thanks for his “glorious victory”
Shortly after building the castle, Philippe-Auguste appointed the Hôtel-Dieu of Rouen to run the chapel. After conquering the town,…

“Château du Vieux Palais at Rouen in Normandy”, engraving by James Basire from a drawing by Louis-Jean Allais
As soon as he entered Rouen, Henry the Fifth started work on a new fortress where the Seine meets the…

Charter of Edward the Third, confirming the Archbishop of Rouen as the owner of Bentworth
This charter, sent to Carlisle, demonstrates that Norman institutions continued to hold possessions in England, as it confirms the grants…

Plea for protection by the abbot of Tréport to Margaret of Anjou, queen of England
The Abbey of Saint-Michel in Tréport was founded around 1059 by Robert the First, Count of Eu, one of the…

A page from Domesday Book, the survey of lands which was drawn up on the orders of William the Conqueror in 1086
A page from Domesday Book, the survey of lands which was drawn up on the orders of William the Conqueror…

Siege and attack of the town of Gournay-en-Bray
Map in pen on paper with backing (facsimile of an original in England). The French Wars of Religion had started…

Agreement between Fécamp Abbey and its men of Rye
The land at Rye was probably given to Fécamp Abbey by Canute the Great shortly after 1017, and it is…

Charter of Henry the Second (Henry Plantagenet) granting the estate of Bentworth to Rouen Cathedral
Like many Norman religious establishments, the Archbishopric of Rouen benefited from the generosity of the duke-kings in England. This deed…

Confirmation charter of William the Conqueror in favour of Fécamp Abbey
Fécamp had an important role as early as the reign of William Longsword (927-942), the son of Rollo, thanks to…

Molding the obverse of the seal of William the Conqueror
Like coins, seals were used in the Middle Ages to depict the person using the seal. The seal of William…

The Millennium of Normandy, 1911
Celebrations were held in 1911 in Rouen, the ancient capital of the Duchy of Normandy, to mark the thousandth anniversary…

Le Roman de Rou et des Ducs de Normandie
Early 12th century, the Anglo-Norman area gives birth to historical literature in the vernacular. Several authors involved in this movement,…

Charter of Charles the Simple in favour of the Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés
This royal charter dated 14 March 918 is the only document referring to Rollon and confirming the existence of the…

Viking sword found in the Seine
Numerous objects discovered during archaeological digs show that the Vikings were present and how they gradually spread throughout the area.…